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PhD openings
Thank you for your interest in a position at the Electrochemical Energy Systems Group! Our job openings are advertised here and on the ETH Zurich job board.
We currently have no open positions.
Post-doctoral openings
​We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher position focused on light-driven CO2 capture.
To apply, please only use the application portal here. Applications through email will not be considered.
Master and Bachelor projects
We have several openings for M.Sc. and B.Sc. students. Projects are published on SiROP.
Current projects:
- Master's Thesis: "Assessing the innovation potential of electrochemical direct air capture" - please email your documents in one PDF file to Katrin Sievert katrin.sievert@gess.ethz.ch ​
Post-doctoral fellowships
We are always looking for outstanding individuals to join our team. If you are interested in conducting your postdoctoral research in the Laboratory of Electrochemical Energy Systems, check below the list of potential postdoctoral fellowships and their deadlines (not an exhaustive list).
If you would like our laboratory to act as your host and assist you in your application, please make sure to contact Prof. Lukatskaya at least 2-3 months before the deadline. Provide a detailed CV, a brief cover letter outlining why you would like to conduct your research in our group, and a summary of your research proposal (no more than 1 page).
You can find a list of possible Fellowships for the post-doctorate program:
ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadlines each year: 1 March and 1 September, 17:00h Swiss local time
The Branco Weiss Fellowship
Deadline: January 15, 2024
Collegium Helveticum Junior fellowship
Deadline 2023: 1 March 2023, 23:59 Swiss local time (CET)
Schmidt Science Fellows
Note: the applicants should be first selected from their institutions to be eligible for application.
Maria Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadline 2023: 13 September 2023
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
How to apply: Select the continent with your country of origin (this is the country according to your passport) to receive further information and the application documents.
SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadline 2023: 1 December 2023
SNSF Ambizione
Deadline 2023: 1 November 2023 17:00h Swiss local time
SNSF Spark
Deadline 2023: 2 May 2023 17:00h Swiss local time
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships
Deadline: Applications for EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are accepted throughout the year and enter one of two evaluation cycles depending on the time of submission.
Spring evaluation: includes all eligible applications submitted by the second Friday of February, 14:00 . Results for this round will be announced at the end of May or beginning of June.
Autumn evaluation: includes all eligible applications submitted by the second Friday of August, 14:00 . Results for this round will be announced at the end of November or beginning of December
SNIS Call for Projects
Deadline 2023: This year’s pre-proposal deadline is 25 January 2023 (1 PM CET). Results of the first round will be available at the end of March 2023.
Geneva Science-Policy Interface – Impact Collaboration Programme
Deadline 2023: Project submission opens on 7 November 2022 and closes on 12 February 2023 (23:59 CET)
Bridge – Proof of Concept for young researchers
Deadlines 2023: (17:00h Swiss local time): 26th call: 5 June 2023, 27th call: 4 September 2023, 28th call: 4 December 2023
In Switzerland, numerous foundations fund research projects – please also check here: